Got Wine?
My parents arrived in BA last week... 5th visit. Does someone miss their daughter? My aunt and cousin came for the ride as well and besides from the "tiny" tiffs here and there, the trip
has been really great. Sunday the girls were off to Mendoza... we left the pops behind in BA to hang with Hugo. Few interesting facts about Mendoza: Its a desert, not by looks but by the facts... it rains maybe 3 days a year. The city is watered by an irrigation system so all the streets are bordered by 3 foot moats... this
would NEVER fly in the states. Talk about law suits! There are over 700 bodegas (wineries/vineyards) and one of the most beautiful landscapes of all of argentina. We stayed in a great hotel called Lares de Chacras (highly recommend) and we visited a total of 4 bodegas and tasted at least 40 differents wines... look, sniff, swirl, sniff, sip, slurp, slosh, gulp. The people are so friendly and welcoming and the view of the Andes is a tease... so close yet so far away. All around BEAUTIFUL. 
Now some Hedy Updates: Before my adventure to South Africa I decided to make a 2 week stop in Ecuador! My last day of work was Saturday so now when my family leaves I have the month of May to hang around. My friend Mike (the one who will be in Africa at the same time as me) will be making his last stop in South America to Ecuador in May... so, timing was right and I am very interested in seeing another South American culture. 6'4 Mike and blonde curly haired Hedy wont stick out at all... i'll be sure to take ALOT of pics.
Anyways, the adventures seem to just keep on coming and I am just going with the flow...
Anyways, the adventures seem to just keep on coming and I am just going with the flow...
At 7:48 PM,
Unknown said…
Awesome pics Hedy!
At 7:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Got Wine?" Thats GrEaT !
BA wAs aMaZiNg ! MeNdOzA To0o !
PiCtUrEs Lo0oK GrEaT ! !
At 7:33 AM,
Anonymous said…
Mendoza was terrif! Especially "the girls!" thanks for making it so special! On to the rest of the world!!
love, Paula
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