One month anniversary...
Ive been at Montpellier exactly a month now... im actually quite enjoying the farm life if you can believe it. Ive been horseback riding everyday, learning how to drive stick shift and going for the most beatiful scenic jogs (but not as often as i should). This past monday Ulrike (pronounced kind of like Eureka) began working here running the guest house. She is from Germany and has been working as a cheese maker her whole life... I actually saw the process of cheese making from beginning to end yesterday. Pretty cool... we made feta :o)
I am starting to plan some pretty cool trips and weekend outings. The second week of August I will most likely be joining a friend to Victoria Falls, a Safari, maybe a bungi jump or a sky dive (hopefully the latter) and possibly another trip to Jo-burg. Upon my return the models will be arriving to begin filming. Going to be quite an exciting, hectic, interesting month. This month I plan to do some hiking and also a camping trip for some sort of cooking festival... supposed to be a big party :o) I am going to try to make it to Capetown tomorrow night for a dinner with some friends... just have to catch a ride from someone. I feel like im stranded on an island over here!
All in all things have gotten much better here and ive been working minimally, drinking moderatly (red wine is giving me heart burn!) and enjoying nature majorly. Time is flying and I want to get in as much as possible. So much to learn, so much to see, so much to do!
I am starting to plan some pretty cool trips and weekend outings. The second week of August I will most likely be joining a friend to Victoria Falls, a Safari, maybe a bungi jump or a sky dive (hopefully the latter) and possibly another trip to Jo-burg. Upon my return the models will be arriving to begin filming. Going to be quite an exciting, hectic, interesting month. This month I plan to do some hiking and also a camping trip for some sort of cooking festival... supposed to be a big party :o) I am going to try to make it to Capetown tomorrow night for a dinner with some friends... just have to catch a ride from someone. I feel like im stranded on an island over here!
All in all things have gotten much better here and ive been working minimally, drinking moderatly (red wine is giving me heart burn!) and enjoying nature majorly. Time is flying and I want to get in as much as possible. So much to learn, so much to see, so much to do!
At 3:44 PM,
Lynne said… diving....ahhhhh!
At 5:29 AM,
Unknown said…
I knew your mom would love the sky diving line! :)
Sounds like you are having the most AMAZING experience. Enjoy every second. Wish I could visit! Miss ya xx
At 8:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
Loca, loca, amiga se te extraña en la city porteña!! Disfrutá mucho y me alegra leerte!!!! Miles de besossss. Aletita
At 6:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Hedy, It's Becky just checking in on your blog. Sounds like you are having an amazing time!!! Matt & I miss you and we can't wait to see you this fall!
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