People people people, where do I begin to describe my experience the past few weeks? I arrived back from my safari August 10th, friday evening and I was picked up Saturday morning by a crew member from Revlon Super Model. So basically I got back to the farm the day all the crew members arrived to start setting up for the show. It was so grea

t to have all these city people around and it brought so much excitement to the farm. I basically took it upon myself to help out Revlo

n as much as possible because Montpellier just wasnt giving me work to do. They would speak all the time in Afrikaans and then get angry at me for not taking initiative. Lets see how much initiative they would take if everyone around them was speaking in Spanish all day long! I was not on good terms with my co-workers because I "switched teams" but I explained my side, they explained theirs and thats all we could do. Anyways, the first week was just about getting the whole farm set up for the models to arrive and setting up accomodations for the crew mem

bers. I did so much physical work that i must have lost 5 pounds! I dug mud holes, i moved heavy furniture, i

put together scaffolding, I hung up huge lighting and i slept about 3 hours every night... but i tell you, it was one of the best weeks ever. Having a crush on one of the crew members is probably what made it even better but i think i was just so ready to work and move being that i hadnt done much since

my arrival.
Sunday the 19th of August the 16 models arrive. They get dropped off at the front gates and have to walk with all their luggage and high heels down the looooong tree lined path to the farm. I think some were very happy to be on the farm (it is quite beautiful) and some were disappointed because they were expecting a more luxurious environment. Some of the girls were ver

y beautiful, some just so-so (in my opinion) but a few things they all had in common were they were SO skinny, LONG legs and looked SO young!!! Anyways, every other day another girl (or 2 or 3 at a time) got evicted. Some how i got the job to go leave with the models and go with them to a bed and breakfast in town. I just chatted with them, comforted them, etc... and to my surprise, not the most interesting conversations (i hope you got the

sarcasm there). I did like hearing what they thought of the show, the other girls, the highs and lows, etc... I also got to meet and actually

hang out with some of the top fashion designers, make-up artists, magazine editors and photographers in South Africa. Not that it mattered too much to me being that i didnt know who they were but the fact is still cool. OH, and the presenter for the show was Miss Universe from South Africa (i wont put her name right now

bc I dont know if im allowed). Also what was fun was being an extra in shots... i modeled the revlon rain boots running thru mud and those shots will be in every episode (its just my feet but hey, let me have my 15 minutes!)
I gotta say, the real reality show was behind the scenes. The models were very reserved and there was maybe 1 silly fight the whole time. Now, the crew members on the other hand were the ones with the real drama and excitement. People get crazy when living, eating and

breathing together 24/7 for an extended period of time. I definitely had some serious highs and lows. For some reason I learned so much about myself during the Revlon show. Maybe its because I was around so many different people and it just brought out sides of me i have either forgotten about or didnt even know were there. By the end of the show, we all felt like we had been there for a year. So tired and ready to go home. We had one final party for


e crew monday night, tuesday we packed up all the equipment and left the farm. There were some tears, there were some people jumping for joy. I decided early tuesday morning tha

t I was going to fly back to Buenos Aires the next morning (wednesday). My "friend" and i had planned on possibly going to the beach for a few days after the show ended but things got complicated and i got fed up and just decided to leave. Sometimes its not exactly what you want to happen but its just the was its supposed to be. Timing really is everything. On that note, IM BACK IN BUENOS AIRES. It was so weird to arrive and speak spanish and use pesos and arrive back to my sweet sweet apartment. Oh happy days! As far as me coming back to NYC, I will either be back by next week or by the end of the month. I have a few things to sort out and then ill know for sure. As I type I am uploading ALL my pics from the past 3 months. OH, my camera broke the DAY before the models arrived... but I got about 800 pics from other people. Now to sort thru them, OY!
At 8:11 AM,
TRR said…
All of your pictures are unreal...I wish I could have been with you! So now when does the countdown officially begin until you make it back to NYC? YAY! I miss my Hedy!
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