Talking Hedy

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Mate o mate...

I just made my first Mate (matay)! Mate, is a very typical "tea-esk" drink of Argentina and Uruguay. It is drunk in special cups, with special straws and only special people can drink it (just kidding about the last one). Its a social drink but i'm drinking it by myself because I must practice before I can prepare it and brag about my ability to others. SO, time is passing with ease here. I am still loving my time... even more now. I finally feel like I am LIVING here. I know my way around. I dont feel like a tourist. I actually get annoyed by most tourists (I know, so hypocritical).
Dogs are still muts, catcalls are still annoying, dog shit is still out of control, nights still going until 8, 9, 10 in the morning, tango is still in full effect, life is still beautiful.


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