Talking Hedy

Friday, April 13, 2007

Solo quiero escribir...

No tengo mucho que contar desde la ultima entrada pero estoy pensativa y tengo ganas de escribir. Escribire en castellano hoy solo para practicar.
Oficialmente tengo la reserva para volar a Ciudad de Cabdo el 6 de Junio. Estoy mas que emocionada! Me di cuenta hoy que sera la primera vez que paso amplio tiempo en una cultura que no hablan espanol. Ademas, es una cultura bastante extrano a mi y estoy muy ansiosa asimilarme. Hasta ahora he estado muy orgullosa que pude integrarme en nuevas tierras, vamos a ver si pasa lo mismo en un pais que no habla espanol. Que ironico!
La semana pasada no me sentia muy bien. Puede ser que estaba enferma. Puede ser que estaba cansada de toda la joda o quizas estaba depremida estar solita despues de 3 semanas con buenas amigos de NY y buena gente encima... sin parar. Me quede en mi casita y me quede en la cabeza mucho. Pensando mucho en donde estoy en mi vida fisicamente y mentalmente. Es raro. No tengo un plan fijo, un camino seguro ni se donde estare en 2,5,10 anos. Sin embargo, me siento que estoy haciendo justo lo que supongo que hacer ahora. Sin duda, vivir en Buenos Aires y pasar tiempo en Sud Africa va a traerme buenas cosas en mi vida. Me siento que no estoy perdiendo tiempo... puede ser que otra gente pienen diferente. Ya se que hay esas personas que creen que sin camino, sin plan... viajando el mundo es una manera para aplazar realidad. Pero, yo creo que me estoy dando opciones. Estoy abriendo realidad en lugar de rendirselo. Creciendo. Aprendiendo. Pensando. Cambiando. Mejorando a mi misma y ultimamente mejorando el mundo. Que puedo decir? Soy una egoista que tiene 26 anos que piensa que siempre tiene razon. Me podes culpar?

Not to much new to report since the last entry but I'm pensive and feel like writing. I am officially reserved to fly to Capetown on June 6th. I am abnormally excited for this trip. I realized today that it will be the first time I am spending an extended time in another country of non-spanish speaking culture. A culture that I am quite unfamiliar with yet anxious to assimilate into. As of now, I have prided myself on being able to fit into new territories, lets see if my theory holds true once I am out of the spanish speaking world. How ironic!
This past week i havent been feeling great... either i was coming down with the flu, worn out from too much fun or depressed because i was left alone after having friends from home and great company around non-stop for 3 weeks. I've been stuck inside my apartment and stuck in my head. Thinking about where i am both physically and mentally. Its odd. I dont have a set out plan laid out infront of me nor do I know where I want to be in 2,5,10 years. However, I feel like I am doing exactly what I should be doing. I have no doubt in my mind that living in Buenos Aires and spending time in South Africa will only bring about good things in my life. I feel like I am not letting time slip through my hands... other people might think otherwise. I know that there are those who believe that without a path, a long term plan... wandering the world is just postponing reality. However, I believe I am giving myself options. Opening up reality instead of giving into it. Growing. Learning. Thinking. Changing. Bettering myself and ultimately bettering the world by doing so. What can I say? I'm a narcissitic 26 year old who thinks she's always right. Can you blame me?

Friday, April 06, 2007

Hotel Hedy

Sigh. My first day alone in BA for 2 weeks. Dara and Megan arrived 2 weeks ago. We wined, we dined, we danced, we shopped and we side tripped it to Iguazu. Iguazu was unbelievable. 8 hours spent taking rafts thru the falls, jeeps thru the jungle (dissapointing bc we saw no monkeys), walking for hours with the hot sun beating down and arriving at Garganta del diablo (the largest of the falls) and listening to Silence (that song from Broke Down Palace) on my ipod... i definitely made my first step
towards bliss.

Mi amigo from NYC Ross was here simultaneously and his friends from NYU were here as well... we all definitely hit it off. His friends Joe and Mike have been travelling thru South America since February. They even came to my family passover "sedar"... quotations due to the matzah AND the bread on the table. Mike, coincidentally will be travelling thru Africa when I am there so we have a date in Cape Town in July. The universe works in mysterious ways!
My OTHER friend Mike from San Francisco arrives tommorrow morning and then fam after him. Non-stop I tell you... non stop.

Hotel good, friends great, weather cooling down, still lovin BA but South Africa awaits!
Hasta la proxima!

Southern lovin'

HELLLOOOOOOO EVERYBODY! Its been a long time since an update but I guess
I've just been waiting for something new and exciting to report about.

SO, I've been working at Casa Monserrat (hotel) for almost 3 months. Its
been an awesome experience so far. I have met some really cool people from
all over the world. I've taken them out to meet my friends and to nice
place, given all my info on secret spots of BA and learned alot about the
hotel business. All in all.. its been great. Plus, the summer was sunny
and hot (just how i like it) so that made the past few months *that* much

Well, here is the exciting news: Last month a beautiful couple (Lucas and
Maryke) from South Africa showed up at the hotel on a really hot day. I
offered them a cold beer and we chatted for about 10 minutes. We all
definitely hit it off. Basically, by the end of the 10 minutes he had
offered me a job at his hotel/wine estate in South Africa. I told him to be
careful what he offers me, cause I am not one to turn down a good
opportunity. Anyways, I didnt see them after those few minutes but I did have
his email address. We started writing back and forth and he mentioned the
job opportunity again. I told him it sounds interesting and we started
throwing ideas back and forth. After about 6 weeks of emailing,
negotiating, thinking and researching, i've come to a decision... IM GOING
TO SOUTH AFRICA! The job is to run the Guest House of his beautiful
estate. It is located about 80 minutes from Capetown. Lucas has offered to
pay for my ticket and give me room and board on the estate. My salary would
be enough to survive and enjoy myself. Here is the website:

After all of these great offers, it was just impossible to refuse. Dates
are not set yet but I figure i'll be there from about June to September and
be back in NYC in October for a wedding (hey jen-ay).

Well, thats my exciting news.

Other than that, all is great in BA. Lots of visitors are keeping me on my
toes! I hosted a bachelorette party for 20 girls in my apt on Saturday... it
was one of the FUNNIEST nights ever. The decorations, the games, the
dressing up the bachelorette, the... well, thats about all the details i'll
reveal ;oP The wedding is St.Patty's day.

I'm alittle sad that I wont be visiting NY in June as planned. I miss you
all very much but some opportunities are just impossible to refuse!!

Anyways, I love hearing about whats going on in NY, SF, DC, LA, and all your
other cities...

BIG hug.
